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发布日期:2013-10-04访问次数: 字号:[ ]

On August 29th, 2013, Bartel Van De Walle, the chairman of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM) paid a visit to IDP with Tina Comes, chair of ISCRAM Events Committee. The visiting team was warmly welcomed by President Bo Jingshan and Vice President Liu Chunping. Ren Luchuan, director of Comprehensive Disaster Mitigation Institute and Jiang Jiyi, vice dean of International Exchange and Cooperation also attended the meeting.

During the meeting


Since IDP signed the cooperative agreement of Disaster Information Emergency Management (DIEMS) international lab with ISCRAM in April, 2013, both parties had conducted several negotiations on issues such as the requirement of software and hardware in the lab. During this visit, the construction goal, research direction, as well as the research content would be mainly discussed. Firstly, IDP gave an annual process report on DIEMS. The investment fund for the first phase had been approved by Ministry of Education and Ministry of Finance. Bartel expressed great thanks for the effort IDP had made in the establishment of the project and the application of the fund, and said ISCRAM would provide the necessary software to realize the goal as well as the function of the living lab.


Through this meeting, both parties grew clearer of the construction goal and direction of DIEMS, which would provide huge support for the beginning of lab construction in 2014.

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